
dont do drugs

from Tom Stone, via flickr


D said...

jared - thanks for sharing that. i checked out the guy's work and it is incredible. it also breaks my heart. how can we live in a such a place of abundance when there are so many with so little? it's a fallen world, my friend.

jared said...

im glad you appreciated it. i know some people might not like looking at this. but i know some, whom are close to my heart, that struggle with drug-use.

i get angry about it. and hurt. and sad. and angry again. there ARE many with so little. there are also those with much that throw it all away for little.

a fallen - devilish world

Sarah said...

Yes, thank you for posting this. I wanted to comment earlier and couldn't. For me, the photo's description on Flickr brings back a wave of many emotions, when I read about "getting a vein." It's easy to be cynical and wonder why people can't get the help they need (or maybe don't want it), when other have made these mistakes before! Can then not learn from somebody else's previous error?

Nonetheless - as I've mentioned before - the "scare tactics" that some people's realities provide for the rest of us, who might even be hovering in a state of only slightly-less-intense suffering, can be that moment where I say, "This is it. I will not let my 'rock bottom' be like that. This is as low as my hitting bottom will be allowed to be." It's not guaranteed to have that profound effect, but we can hope.