
its summer

there are those folks. whom i love, naturally, that like to get on my case for believing in global warming. now that summer is here, i can add to the drama:

southern heat wave blamed for 33 deaths

global warming is here

Arctic sea ice melting faster: study

"During the first week in July, the Arctic sea ice started to disappear at rates we had never seen before"

oh and i guess that some blogger forced NASA to admit global warming figures error. but they forget to tell you in the headlines that the error was that last year was the 4th warmest year as opposed to the 3rd and that "the corrected figures left evidence of long-term warming intact." right, right.

now if i really wanted to get into it, i could mention that global warming is causing a rise in flesh eating diseases, that its killing elvis fans, that tropical rainforest trees are glowing twice as slow, that its ruining grapes for wine, that its threatening moose and wolves, that its reducing agricultural production by 25%, that it caused the recent new york tornado, its increasing hurricanes, and causing heavy rains. but that would be silly wouldent it?

afterall, its all a hoax...

just like the holocaust.

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