

this pretty much sums it up for today:

from slinkachu at little people

though my hard hatred for v-day was slightly subdued when i watched "the science of sleep" last night. oddly enough, Stéphane reminded me of myself all to well. it was like watching a documentary of my life. in fact, at one point i paused the film - so overwhelmed with empathy that i needed to mourn a little for this (pathetic) fictional self. it was all very strange.


Lauren said...

i just purchased the science of sleep. i love it so much.

you can see real life in 3D.

jared said...

but isent life already in 3d?

no, not really.

TQ said...

funny. i spent the last two weeks trying to download science of sleep, but I can't get it here. It's just been released in the theaters. I was trying to use it for inspiration for a collection. very creatively inspiring movie.
and i'll tell more about my life in milan when I have time. i can only give minor updates for now...I is busy!

jared said...

so have you seen it yet? oh man. if you had'nt, i would offer to ship a copy out to you. well i guess i still offer.