
for all you bigshots

this is a very interesting phenomena: thieves stalking big shots at the places they get their shots and then taking a shot at shoddiness.

As Carl alluded to in his blog last week, “Starbucks Stalking” is a very real crime.

It would be funny—if it wasn’t true. The fact is that if you have data that would attract a thief, your morning latte could end up quite expensive. A new twist for the old industrial espionage game is to stalk executives or key players in a corporation, and find their favorite watering hole near their offices. The executives themselves are not the desirable object per se, but their laptops are. “Starbucks Stalking” is a growing trend, and for obvious reasons: it’s less risky, easier, and just as fruitful as physically stealing a laptop computer if your goal is data. And today, that’s the goal.
link here for full article. via Security Insights Blog

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