
the procession of Eeyore

ive been written out mostly. sulking. selfpity. sympathetic. e.t.c. but i will now let you know my status of nanowrimo.

there are excuses yes, the most recent and valid of which being my very good friend Aaron R came to visit last week. and there was my roommate Phil Z. that needed beat downs in Halo 2. needless to say, there has been much rejoicing. but i am still going, still writing. a friend of mine put into words well "i am in love." love with writing this little charm. its something i have never experienced. i find i think about the story constantly. thinking about the characters, how they would interact in different scenarios. thinking about the places they see, their pasts. thinking about what they will do in the future, their goals, their life, their loves. everything really. sometimes i imagine they are real. i will say there is a danger in letting a story become reality. or believing it is reality. its very similar to when you spend 6 hours a day reading a novel. all you can do is think about it. you want to go back to it. you want to know what happens. i find myself always wanting to be writing.

but i did try, and with that i am well pleased. i have learned a lot. the most valuable being: i can actually write a novel. and its not all that scary. and its not all that hard. and i have learned that to work 50 hours a week, have a life AND write a novel at a good clip is near impossible. i have learned (even though people have been telling me for years this) that in order to be a good writer, you need to read read read. and i have learned that the majority of the world constantly walks around with defeat in their hearts, never trying...thus never knowing what they could have done it. i will be forever grateful i tried. and i think my life might look a bit different now, as i can see myself always having a little charm love to work on.

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