
something like a failed writer

a friend of mine recently wrote about junk mails that contain several lines of somewhat coherent english. you know these? they are always at the bottom of the email, have nothing to do with the product (which is usually some form of viagra), and are extreamly interesting. i have taken it my duty to post these from all the junk emails i get. i will call this project: "progress 4"

somewhere there is the truth

and stuff


Justin said...

Hey Jared. I've been fascinated with the unusual text that accompanies junk email too. I have often wondered if it is randomly generated or if they cut and paste it from something else.

Have you tried googling any of it to see if any of it comes from a book or a webpage?

Keep up the good work with projext 4!

jared said...

i really have not tried a google investigation yet. i tried searching one or two phrases in google book, but nothing came of it. i plan to really look into it at some point though. one thing i have noticed though...some of the same characters appear in different emails...as if they Are from a book. its becomming a goal to get to the bottom of it.